TECH Just in

The Drone That Saved Thousands of Families From Boredom During The Pandemic Is Now Back in Stock Again and Already the Best-Selling Holiday Gift of the Year...

“Being locked down and stuck in the house together for months had us all at each other's throats, until our son came home with this easy to use and insanely entertaining drone.”

By Ben Miller | QuadAir Drone

Nationwide Depression rates jumped over 30% during the pandemic, but the Martin family shared with us how they beat the blues of being stuck inside.

Covid-19 was the worst Pandemic to hit the United States in 100 years. We've all seen the numbers on the news of the death tolls rising, but the unseen effects of the pandemic are afflicting millions of Americans with depression.

For Lisa and her family, 2020 was an incredibly rough year. Luckily her husband kept his job, but she lost hers as soon as the first lockdowns hit when her restaurant closed. Her 4 kids were out of school too, and their home quickly turned chaotic.

"I was really beginning to lose my mind. With the kids being home and bored all the time, we kept buying toys to try to keep them busy, but they would play with them for an hour and forget about them." "Between the bills and losing my job, we were running out of money quickly too..."

The holidays were quickly approaching last year, and the Martin's were at a boiling point. They didn't have any money for Christmas presents, and Lisa and her Husband were barely even speaking after fighting all year.

They took turns taking care of the kids and escaping the house, both dreading Christmas morning and the kids throwing huge tantrums not getting the expensive presents they want.

That's When Lisa Almost Lost It...

They had told the kids that there may be no Christmas presents that year, trying to ease them into the disappointment that would be Christmas morning.

About a week after that, she found their oldest son, Sean, in the back yard playing with a drone he had bought while out with his friends. After asking where he got it, he admitted to using the credit card his Mom had given him that was supposed to be strictly for emergencies.

Lisa had seen the price of drones online, and needless to say, she was FURIOUS. She took the credit card, the drone and grounded him until the new year. He got quite an earful from both parents.

At This Point, They Had Nothing to Lose...

The next day after sleeping on it, Lisa decided that the damage had already been done, so she let the kids play with the drone for a few hours before she was going to return it.

While the other kids played with the drone, she sat Sean down for a serious talk. She had seen drones online for over $1,000 and had to find out what the hell he was thinking, and talk about punishment.

She also had to figure out how he got it in the first place. She gets text alerts when the kids spend more than $100 on her card, but never got one the day he got the drone.

Before she could get out a full sentence, Sean blurted out,

"Mom, jeez, it was only $99!"

For a few moments Lisa was speechless. She had never seen such a high-end drone that was so affordable. Then she was overwhelmed with regret for having yelled at her son so ruthlessly the day before. She thought he had maxed out their credit card to selfishly get himself a toy.

After talking for a few more minutes, she was actually quite proud of her son. He had found a great deal, and got it specifically to share with his brothers and sisters since they thought they wouldn't be getting any presents.

After All That, Christmas Had Actually Come Early

After learning that the high-tech drone they got, the QuadAir Drone, actually cost less than all the other presents they were looking at, they let the kids keep and play with it whenever they wanted.

That next week was the most peaceful of all 2020 for the Martins. The kids were constantly in the backyard playing with their favorite possession, their new QuadAir Drone.

Lisa and her husband finally got some alone time other than arguing about money or how to entertain the kids.

Not only that, but 2020 turned into their favorite Christmas yet. The kids played outside with the drone all morning while Lisa and her husband sat by the fire enjoying the most peaceful day of the year yet.

So Besides Looking Amazing, Why Exactly is the
QuadAir Drone so Great?

The QuadAir Drone has the same controls as the top of the line, super expensive drones, but they make the controls much less sensitive so that you don't need extensive training to fly it like most others.

Absolutely anyone can pick up the controller and start having a blast immediately, making it the absolute perfect gift for anyone, or a new high-tech but affordable treat for yourself.

It can do all the advanced flying maneuvers the expensive drones do so will entertain people of all ages, but with the recalibrated controls it's also perfect kids and beginners.

But Here's The Best Part...

Unlike 97% of drones on the market, the QuadAir Drone doesn't require you to get an FAA license to fly.

Did you know that to fly most drones you have to pay to take a training course, and also pay $200 to the Federal Aviation Administration!?

Yeah, crazy. I didn't either.

This is because of a federal law that requires any drone over weighing 8 ounces to be registered.

Because it was designed to be portable and used anywhere, the QuadAir Drone weighs way under that, meaning you DON'T have to waste days and hundreds of dollars taking a course, do a pile pointless government paperwork, and pay the government $200 just to be able to fly your new awesome drone.

Obviously not having to go through that process alone makes QuadAir Drone an amazing purchase or gift, but because of the FAA rules drone ownership is a very exclusive club.

With QuadAir Drone, you will be the envy of all your friends and enjoy a new hobby hassle free.

Or as a gift, your kids will be the coolest kids at school and in the neighborhood! They will thank you over and over for this gift. I can tell you because my kids made a ton of new friends and now they joke about how I'm the coolest dad in town.

What Else Can the Best-Selling Drone of the Year Do?

QuadAir Drone is made by drone lovers, for both drone lovers and people new to drones, but the passion that got them into making drones is photography. So, you know the camera is going to be very high quality.

It comes with an easy-to-use controller that you can use to control both the drone and its camera, but there's also an app you can download to control it easily right from your smartphone. Talk about cutting edge!

Whether it's to make your social media really stand out, for the family photo album, or just taking some cool photos for fun, QuadAir Drone's easy to use controls will let you take absolutely jaw dropping, HD photos from angles you can't get any other way.

With the QuadAir Drone you also get:

Increase Flight Time — QuadAir Drone has improved battery life and it's the fastest drone of its category at a speed of up to 12 meters per second with a top transmission range of 2 km.

Panorama Mode — Capture 360 degree photos from the air with just one click of a button.

Anti-Collision System — Built-in sensors prevent collisions with the ground & other obstacles.

Stabilized Camera — The drone will remain stable in the air, regardless of the weather.

Minimalist and Practical Design — The smart lightweight construction folds together for extra portability.

High-Quality Photos — The images look incredibly sharp on this drone.

3 Handling Speeds — With their help, drone handling is very simple.

And yes, you read that first one right... 2.2km is 1 mile, so you can control this drone from almost a mile away!

What Are QuadAir Drone Customers Saying?

Danny (Baltimore, MD) - “I always do a lot of traveling and take lots of photos but started to get tired of my old selfie stick. All the I saw was so big and expensive but then a friend sent me a link for this one and I got hooked. Now it goes with me everywhere, and my profile looks like I'm a pro photographer or influencer with all the videos and pictures I take with it.”

Carol (Dallas, TX) - "We had tried to get drones for our kids last Christmas and it was a complete fail. They were so hard for our 10 and 12 year olds to fly, and we ended up returning them after we found out about the FAA registration."

"Last month my nephew who's really tech savvy showed us the QuadAir Drone and it might sound crazy for it just being a drone, but it's really been life changing. Our kids are always playing outside with it non-stop, which gives my husband and I lots of quality time after work."

"They've even developed a photography habit because of it and it's really cute. We're so happy because it's so much more healthy and stimulating than them just sitting inside and playing video games!"

Our Firsthand Experience with QuadAir Drones

Our office is always looking for something fun for our employees to do during breaks, so after seeing Lisa's family's story on social media, we ordered a few QuadAir Drones for the office from their official website.

By the way, if you go there now you can still catch their Cyber Week 60% Discount!

They were so fun, that after the first few days we had to implement a formal wait list on a whiteboard, but it's been a gamechanger for the atmosphere in our office and quite a few people have ordered their own for their kids or to take cool pictures with.

Check out this cool picture we took with QuadAir Drone at our annual company retreat!

After seeing how easy and fun they were, I ordered two myself for my kids. Heck, I didn't even wait until Christmas to give them to them. It's nice to have them occupied for hours doing something healthy, letting me cook in peace and read in the evenings.

The kicker for me is that this is a healthy habit for them versus video games or watching mindless videos on their tablet.

Studies actually show that children who frequently use drones have advanced brain development versus those that play video games, especially in what's called the Pre-Frontal Cortex. That's the area of your brain where reasoning, memory, and decision making comes from.

Needless to say, QuadAir Drone being so affordable, so much fun for all ages, and a healthy hobby, made my Christmas SO easy.

Conclusion: Is QuadAir Drone Worth it?

Absolutely, Yes.

After reading hundreds of reviews and having everyone in our office test it, as well as my own kids, we have not heard one person that was disappointed with this high tech and affordable drone. It does everything those super overpriced drones do, but the difference is, they don't shell out a ton for marketing and paying influencers to promote them, so QuadAir Drone can absolutely spank them when it comes to price, selling for under $100.

Add in the 60% Cyber Week Discount AND the 60 day money back guarantee, that are going on right now and it really is a no-brainer.

Almost everyone that we've had test the QuadAir Drone said the Holiday gifts they were looking at were more expensive, and wouldn't provide near as much fun. Take an Xbox for example, $500 to just have your kids sit in front of the TV all day.

No thanks...

It's time to unlock drone fun for your whole family just in time for the Holidays, with the most highly reviewed affordable drone there is!

How Can I Get A Real QuadAir Drone?

Many knock-offs have made it into the market so we strongly advise you to only purchase it through the official website here: QuadAir Drone 60% Cyber Week Discount

Since QuadAir Drone is sold exclusively online through their official website, beware of any you see in stores. They are knock-offs!

Order now to lock in this exclusive Cyber Week discount before they run out of stock.

Update: Ever since QuadAir Drone and Lisa's story went viral on social media, and with the 60% Cyber Week discount they are selling about 9,000 units per day, and only have 11,730 units left. This week or possibly even today is your last chance to get the #1 gadget and gift of the year at 60% off.

To see if they are available in your area, click your state below to claim you discount now.

To claim your discount, simply click on the map below:

QuadAir Drone is not available on Amazon, eBay or AliExpress. To make sure you’re getting the original QuadAir Drone, we strongly advise you to buy it from the official website that is linked above.